
U.S. and Texas laws have changed in recent years to allow the names of same-sex couples to appear as parents on their children’s birth certificates. However, because the law can change again and there is opposition in some quarters to LGBTQ+ civil rights, adoption is advisable to protect the parental rights of a child’s non-biological parent. […]

You can go to jail for knowingly making false accusations or committing perjury in Texas. It is against the law to lie to police or court officials in Texas. In fact, intentionally making false statements to law enforcement officers in Texas is a Class B misdemeanor. If convicted of making false statements, you can land […]

When we represent a parent in a divorce or a child custody matter, our clients often worry about who will become the “primary custodial parent.” However, that term does not exist under Texas family law. During court proceedings, you will hear words like primary custody, custodial parent, and non-custodial parent. Attorneys and family law judges […]

Being granted probation after violating the law in Texas gives an individual the opportunity to show the court that they can live within the law. Being charged with a new criminal offense while on probation indicates just the opposite. New criminal charges while on probation in Texas will most likely lead to your probation officer […]

When divorcing parents in Texas cannot agree to a child custody arrangement, the court will impose and enforce the Texas Standard Possession Order calendar. The Standard Possession Order is designed for children ages three and older and is presumed to provide reasonable minimum parenting times that are in the best interest of the child. There […]
Legal experience you can trust in criminal law and family law matters Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey P.C. is pleased to be regionally recognized in three practice areas in the latest compilation of Best Law Firms by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®. The Texas law firm is ranked as a Tier 1 firm in the […]

Generally speaking, we think of 21 as the legal age to possess and consume alcoholic beverages. But Texas law allows underage drinking in certain situations. Many Texans do not know that a minor – someone not yet 21 years old – can legally possess and drink alcoholic beverages if they are in the presence of […]

Deferred adjudication is a special form of judge-ordered community supervision commonly known as probation. It permits a criminal defendant in Texas to accept responsibility for a crime without an actual conviction being placed on their record. A judge can grant deferred adjudication to a defendant and later discharge the defendant from this type of probation […]

Cedar Park, TX (April 10, 2023) – The Cedar Park Police Department in Texas is investigating an incident in which a man shot a jugging suspect. Jugging occurs when someone observes a person withdrawing money, follows them, and steals the cash. On April 10th, the victim withdrew money from a Chase Bank and stopped at […]

Cruelty in a marriage, including verbal or emotional abuse, should not be tolerated. Cruelty is recognized as grounds for divorce in Texas and can adversely affect the terms of the divorce for the abusive spouse. At Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C., our Austin divorce attorneys have extensive experience helping people in abusive marriages make the transition […]