The Importance of an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

criminal arrest

Anyone who faces criminal charges following an arrest or indictment needs an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent them as the criminal justice process moves forward. Individuals have the right to represent themselves in court, but this is a serious mistake.

Few people facing criminal charges have the know-how and resources necessary to investigate the circumstances of the charges against them, understand the nuances of the prosecution’s case, and assess the defense strategies available.

If you face criminal charges in the Austin, Texas, area, we urge you to contact the experienced defense team at  Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. to discuss your legal options. Our firm has provided top-notch legal representation to individuals accused of crimes in Austin and the surrounding areas for nearly 60 years. Our attorneys take the time to understand each client’s situation and the details of the charges they face. We will be ready to go to trial if necessary but often are successful in negotiating a resolution that serves our client’s best interests.

Contact Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. today for a free, confidential consultation. Contact us ASAP.

What Is The Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney?

If you face criminal charges, the only person in the criminal justice system obligated to act in your best interests is your criminal defense attorney. The prosecutor has a duty to convict you and see that you are punished if they can compile the evidence to do so. A judge is obligated to see that the law is applied correctly. But the judge will not intercede in a defendant’s favor if the defense fails to raise a point that could help the case.

Your defense attorney’s duty is to take every step available under the law to obtain the best outcome for you. The State Bar of Texas, which administers continuing legal education for attorneys and manages the attorney discipline system, says in its Performance Guidelines for Non-Capital Criminal Defense Representation:

The primary and most fundamental obligation of defense counsel is to provide zealous and effective representation for the client at all stages of the criminal process. The counsel’s role in the criminal justice system is to fully protect and advance the client’s interests and rights. … Counsel’s personal opinion of the client’s guilt is totally irrelevant. The client’s financial status is of no significance. Indigent clients are entitled to the same zealous representation as clients capable of paying an attorney.

Our defense attorneys at Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. are experienced and reputable. We will protect and advance your interests and rights as we take the following steps:

  • Review the charges you face, get your side of the story, and begin work toward your pretrial release.
  • Represent you at your initial appearance before the magistrate and in pretrial release proceedings.
  • Seek an evidentiary hearing before the magistrate, which a defense attorney can request in felony cases to make sure there is constitutionally-valid probable cause for charging the individual.
  • Conduct an independent review and investigation of the case, and inform you of potential defenses to the charges.
  • Conduct discovery, which involves the sharing of evidence between the defense and prosecution.
  • File pretrial motions, as appropriate, to request dismissal or reduction of charges, suppression of evidence, change of venue, or continuance of the trial.
  • Preserve your rights at arraignment by entering a plea of not guilty in all but the most extraordinary circumstances and requesting a trial by jury.
  • Explore with you the possibility and desirability of reaching a negotiated disposition of the charges rather than proceeding to trial. We fully explain the rights that would be waived by a decision to enter a plea and not to proceed to trial.
  • Prepare for and conduct a trial, if necessary, including confronting the prosecution’s case and presenting our case in defense of you.

Many criminal cases are resolved by plea bargain. When considering a plea, we will explain the strengths and weaknesses of your case and the prosecution’s case and the possible consequences of a conviction vs. entering a plea. We will explain the full content of the agreement, and its advantages, disadvantages, and consequences, including whether it carries a risk of deportation.

Whether to accept or reject a plea bargain is always the client’s decision. We will advise you of our recommendation and of the benefits and consequences of each course of action.

Types of Criminal Charges Defense Lawyers Handle

A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney with Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. can help you with charges related to:

Choose the Right Lawyer for Your Case in Austin, TX

There are many tips available for how to find a good criminal defense lawyer, including making sure the lawyer has experience with cases similar to the kind of problem you are facing. We ask that you contact Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. to discuss whether our reputable and experienced attorneys can meet your needs for a criminal defense lawyer in Austin, TX.

Our firm has aggressively defended the rights of Texans for more than half a century. Our attorneys and staff are devoted to providing stellar customer service and personalized representation to every client. If you face criminal charges in the Austin, Texas, area, contact Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey today for a free legal consultation with an experienced defense lawyer.

Renowned legal expert with significant experience in Civil Law, Criminal Defense, and Family Law. Graduate of The University of Texas School of Law, and admitted to the bar in Texas and U.S. District Court Western District of Texas. Active member of esteemed legal associations including the Texas Bar Association and the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Association.

Author:  Perry Q. Minton