Austin Criminal Defense Attorney

criminal defense lawyer reviewing a client's charges

Being arrested and facing a misdemeanor or felony charge in Austin, Texas can be an incredibly harrowing and complex situation. It might seem like an insurmountable battle against the charges and the might of the justice system.

Yet, this perspective doesn’t accurately reflect the reality. The law clearly states that you cannot be declared guilty unless the prosecution presents irrefutable evidence establishing your guilt beyond any reasonable doubt – a challenging standard to meet. With a dependable Austin criminal defense attorney representing you, it is entirely possible to challenge the charges effectively.

At Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C., we firmly advocate for the right of every individual accused of a crime to have a robust defense. Our team of highly skilled Austin criminal defense attorneys is ready to offer you a chance to fight effectively. We are committed to doing everything within our power to achieve the most favorable resolution for you. With our longstanding record of successfully representing clients across Central Texas since 1963, we are poised to put our expertise and resources to work for you.

Don’t hesitate to contact Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. today at (512) 476-4873 or fill out our online form for a private consultation with one of our dedicated criminal defense attorneys, specializing in providing top-tier legal services.

Why Choose Our Criminal Lawyers?

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The attorneys at our legal firm have provided top-notch representation to those accused of crimes in Austin and the surrounding areas for nearly 60 years. We are a mid-sized firm with big firm status. Our experienced team received multiple prestigious awards and recognition for our work for our clients, including:

  • Member of The Best Lawyers in America
  • AV® rating from Martindale-Hubbell
  • Rising Star by Texas Super Lawyers
  • 10.0 Superb rating by Avvo

We are focused on providing the best possible representation for our clients. No two cases are exactly alike, so we take the time to understand your situation and the details of your charges. When we prepare our defense strategy, we’ll be ready to go to trial if necessary but know how to avoid court if it serves your best interests. We aim to secure the best possible outcome by reducing or dropping your charges.


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Client Testimonials for Our Criminal Defense Attorneys

Read real stories from our clients. Our criminal defense attorneys help turn tough times into fair outcomes. These testimonials share their journey from worry to relief, showing the hard work and knowledge our team brings to the table.

Sam Basset is a top notch attorney. As busy as his practice is he has always returned my phone calls and emails diligently. Mr Bassett is the sharpest attorney I have ever met and took care of me and my case with an awesome result. If you ever need an attorney, Mr. Bassett is my top choice!!

Amer Habash

5 Stars Review

Perry Minton and Rick Flores were our attorneys for a criminal case with two felonies. Manslaughter and negligent homicide. Perry’s and Ricks patience with all the questions and many many late night calls, their expertise in the court room, their demeanor, their knowledge of the law, the way they explained the law to the jurors in terms they could understand was incredible !! Not to mention the complexity of our case!! Three days in court with not guilty on both charges!! We are forever grateful. We still keep in touch! They were exceptional attorneys, advisors, and still our friends!!

Pat Marrs

5 Stars Review

Top shelf law firm… if you can afford it? These folks can get you justice.

Delwin Goss

5 Stars Review
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Benefits to Hire Our Criminal Defense Lawyers

The criminal justice system can seem complex and confusing for someone who is not a lawyer. That’s why attempting to navigate the system alone is never a good idea. You’ll want an experienced criminal defense attorney to represent you, so you don’t make mistakes that negatively affect your case. Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C., could improve your chance of a positive result with legal assistance, such as:

  • Protect your rights and interests, starting from the time of the arrest to the end of the trial
  • Negotiate with the prosecutor for a plea deal or a lesser charge
  • Defend you against a wrongful conviction
  • Secure and present evidence to create reasonable doubt among the jury
  • Locate critical witnesses to testify on your behalf
  • Select favorable jurors if your case goes to trial
  • Prepare and present solid arguments against the charges you face

Being convicted of a crime could change your life. It could impact your freedom, your finances, your ability to secure employment or housing, and your opportunities for higher education. Don’t leave something as important as this up to chance. With a skilled criminal defense attorney on your side, you’ll have a better chance of getting a dismissal or a reduced sentence.

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What to Do if You Are Facing Criminal Charges?

What you do and say during an arrest could either benefit your criminal case or adversely affect it. The most beneficial steps you can take following an arrest include:

  • Assert your right to remain silent – You have the right to remain silent to avoid making incriminating statements. It is always advisable for you to exercise this right. You likely won’t be able to talk yourself out of an arrest, so be polite, remain silent, and wait until you can speak with a lawyer.
  • Ask for a lawyer – Law enforcement officials must stop interrogating you once you ask for your lawyer. They also must allow you to contact your attorney and only question you while that individual is present.
  • Contact Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. – You should hire a criminal defense lawyer immediately after an arrest. You’ll want to have a qualified defense attorney by your side as you navigate the criminal justice system. We will aggressively defend your rights and your freedom.

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How Our Criminal Lawyers Identify Your Best Defense

At Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C., we review the circumstances of every case we take to determine what defenses might be available. Depending on the specifics of your situation, some potential defenses against the charges you face might include:

  • You did not commit the crime in question.
  • You were acting in self-defense or were defending others.
  • Someone worked to frame you.
  • Someone used your identity.
  • There was a mistake of fact.
  • The police violated the law during your arrest or the investigation.
  • A laboratory error was made.
  • Your Constitutional rights were violated.
  • There is not enough evidence to secure a conviction.

To give yourself the best chance to beat the charges, make sure not to admit guilt or plead guilty to anything before speaking to your lawyer.

Types of Charges Our Criminal Defense Lawyers Handle

The criminal defense attorneys from Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. take criminal cases involving charges such as:

  • Drug Charges – Drug crimes in Texas range from possession to trafficking. When you face a criminal conviction, you need an aggressive and knowledgeable Austin criminal defense attorney by your side.
  • DWI Charges – According to Texas Penal Code 49.04, driving while intoxicated occurs when a person operates a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated. The charge you face will depend on contributing factors. For example, a first-time DWI arrest is typically a class B misdemeanor. However, if it’s your third or subsequent charge, you could face a felony conviction.
  • Federal Charges – Money laundering, mail fraud, and federal weapons charges are a few examples of federal criminal offenses that are prosecutable at the federal level.
  • Felony Charges – In Texas, felonies fall under four classifications based on the type and severity of the crime. You could be hit with a hefty fine and a significant prison term if you are convicted. Common felony charges under state law include aggravated robbery, child abuse, manslaughter, and sexual assault.
  • Juvenile Charges – Cases involving individuals under 18 are typically handled in juvenile court. The state often wants to avoid prosecuting minors as adults and will look to impose sentences that allow for rehabilitation over incarceration.
  • Misdemeanor Charges – Misdemeanors are less serious offenses than felonies. This doesn’t mean they won’t carry severe penalties, including jail time, heavy fines, probation, and a mark on your criminal record.
  • Sex Crime Charges – Various offenses could be charged as sex crimes under state law. A conviction often requires registration with the Texas Sex Offender Registration Program. A conviction can have a lasting impact on your life, livelihood, and reputation. It is crucial to hire a criminal law attorney to defend you immediately if you are under investigation or have been arrested for a sex crime.
  • White Collar Crime Charges – A white-collar crime is an offense a person, corporation, or group commits for personal gain. For example, embezzlement involves a trusted individual unlawfully using someone else’s money or property. A financial advisor might transfer money from a client’s fund into their personal account without the client’s knowledge or authorization.
  • Computer Crime Charges – Cyber crimes are often complex cases. They require knowledge of the technology involved and specific laws associated with the offense. Computer hacking, identity theft, and internet fraud are several common computer offenses we can defend against.
  • Homicide Charges – Representing someone in a homicide case requires a carefully constructed defense strategy. A conviction could result in life imprisonment for some offenses. You shouldn’t leave the fate of your future in the hands of an inexperienced Austin criminal lawyer. Let one of our criminal defense attorneys fight for you and try to reach a favorable outcome.
  • Assault Charges – Assault can take many forms and lead to various penalties depending on the circumstances involved. A class C misdemeanor involves actions such as offensive touching without causing an injury. Sentencing is a small fine but no jail time. However, felony assault could lead to at least five years or life in prison if the offense is particularly violent.
  • Robbery Defense – Theft becomes robbery under Texas law when an individual intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly injures another person to take their property or threatens bodily injury during a theft. If you are arrested or indicted on robbery charges in Texas, you face a second-degree felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

In some instances, you could be eligible to have the crime expunged from your criminal record or have your record sealed from public view. If you are in this situation, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. We will discuss expunction and orders of nondisclosure at a confidential case evaluation.

Find a Top Criminal Defense Attorney Near You

If you’ve been arrested or are under investigation for a crime in Austin, call Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C., at (512) 476-4873 to speak with an Austin criminal defense lawyer immediately. Our attorneys are standing by, ready to take your call anytime. Contact us for a confidential consultation today or fill out our online form.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Even if you have not been charged with a crime, you should seek the advice of an attorney. If you have been informed that you are under investigation for a crime, you have a right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during all questioning. The questions asked during an investigation can be used against you later.

If you need a criminal lawyer for any reason, contact the Austin, Texas firm of Minton, Bassett, Flores & Carsey, P.C. Let our Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists put decades of experience to work for you.

Basically, there are two reasons that a criminal case is filed in federal court. Either (1) there is an alleged violation of federal, as opposed to state, law; or (2) the crime alleged took place on federal property.

State governments have the power to determine what constitutes a crime statutorily (through the legislature) and through common law. They also have the power to protect their citizens from criminal activity by prosecuting criminals. In contrast, the federal government has limited jurisdiction and must link any crimes it prosecutes to its Constitutional powers such as the commerce power, the taxing power, and the postal power. Examples of successful federal criminal legislation are the federal gun laws, federal drug laws, and federal computer laws.

Yes. It is a common misconception that deferred adjudication records are removed from a defendant’s criminal history upon successful conclusion of the probation period. However, the law does not provide for automatic expunction of deferred adjudication records. Accordingly, unless there is a court order directing otherwise, records of a prosecution resulting in a deferred adjudication are publicly available in court records.

Generally, a crime punishable by imprisonment of less than one year is considered a misdemeanor. Felonies are more serious offenses and are punishable by imprisonment of one year or more. People convicted of misdemeanors are sentenced to local, city, or county jail while people convicted of felonies are sentenced to state or federal prison. In Texas, felonies are categorized into five different categories (capital murder and felony in four degrees) while misdemeanors are categorized into three classes.

The same criminal code that applies to adults also applies to children. Although there is not a special juvenile code, there is a special court system to handle juvenile crime and children cannot be imprisoned with adults. Sentences imposed on juveniles are designed to educate and rehabilitate, rather than punish.

No. Although white collar crime used to focus on the occupational status of the accused, the current definition focuses on the actions committed by the accused. White collar crime is defined as using illegal acts involving deceit to obtain property or services or to gain a business or professional advantage. Examples include embezzlement, mail fraud, forgery, and extortion. A specific law known as RICO, which punishes anyone who engages in a pattern of racketeering to generate income to buy a business or to conduct a business, has been applied to drug dealers and other non-organized crime defendants.

Computer crimes concern illegal activity involving one or more components of the Internet such as email, websites, and chat rooms. Internet crimes use the Internet to communicate false or fraudulent representations. These crimes include cyber stalking, computer hacking, identity theft, Internet fraud, and Internet sex offenses.

No, sentencing for drug crimes varies greatly. Penalties depend on the criminal conduct (possession, manufacture, distribution, etc.) as well as the classification of the drug (cocaine, marijuana, heroin, etc.) and the amount of the drug. Federal sentencing guidelines begin with 43 base offense levels and add or subtract levels depending on certain specified criteria. The higher the offense level, the more severe the sentence imposed.

Historically, a very specific set of circumstances had to occur in order for an unwanted sexual act to be considered rape. The sexual act at issue had to be forced intercourse, the rapist had to be a man, and the victim had to be a woman other than rapist’s wife. Instead of the term “rape,” many modern penal codes now use the term sexual abuse or sexual assault to define the prohibited acts. Rape is covered by these statutes and may be designated as sexual abuse in the first degree. Lesser offenses such as unwanted touching or lascivious acts may be included in the definition of sexual assault.